Monthly Archives: January 2019
January 07, 2019
“Never leave fish to find fish!” I remember clearly my grandpa telling me this every time we started catching fish and then the bite slowed down. It could have been trout, walleye, pike or perch it didn’t matter. It wasn’t until we hadn’t had a bite for at least an hour before we could search out another spot. I’ve heard that same phrase uttered over and over again, and now it just causes me to grin. The reason for that is that it’s great advice if your goal is simply to catch fish. It makes sense. But what if your goal is a little different? Let me challenge your thinking a little bit and see if you agree.I like catching perch as much as the next guy. They are super fun, the action can be red hot and, of course, they are delicious! It’s great to take kids out and have them tangle with dinks all day, that’s one of the reasons I came to love this sport so much. But how many jumbos do you catch? What if you could head out and consistently catch 12”, 13”, 14+” slabs